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Frugal Womens Guide To Self-Care

2 min read

Frugal Womens Guide To Self-Care

I’m sure you’ve seen it all over social media. Self-care is the new “IT Girl”on the scene.You typically see post of manicures,massages at the spa and the ever so popular face mask (people really love face mask). But self-care goes far beyond the aesthetics. Now don't get me wrong I love a good day at the spa, biweekly mani & pedi. It’s intended to preserve or benefit our mental, physical & emotional well-being.

Sunday is often seen as a day of rest. Lets use this day as a day for the week ahead & whatever it brings.We often focus on work, school, family & everything else under the sun. You need attention too. So I compiled a miniature list of the not so superficial ways to self-care the added bonus is that they cost little to nothing.

  1.  Do Something That Makes You Do A Little Happy Dance

The small things count. Do one thing a day that brings you joy. It could be lighting your favorite Sunday House Co. candle. Possibly a morning cup of herbal tea and complete silence brings you pure happiness. It could be the hour nap you took in your car on your lunch break (I've done this a time or two).Perhaps a  soothing bath , chilled wine, and Sunday House Co. candles setting the ambience. Whatever it is for you bask in that moment.


Its a vital necessity. Make it a priority. Don't mean to bore you but there are infinite studies about how important sleep is for literally everything. I wonder how many of us can actually say we get a FULL 8 HOURS of recommended sleep. That something worth bragging about. We accomplish less when we don't take care of ourselves. In order for your mind & body to function properly you need a good nights rest.

3.Hit The Off Switch

This may or may not be a shocker to you but social media causes STRESS. Things on social media and the new (especially now) can sometimes be too much to handle. Its important for you to not only realize but acknowledge when you feel overwhelmed. Hit the off switch, unplug, log off the socials & tv. Be in the now , your now and at peace.When your mind is at ease and when your ready (not a moment sooner) tune back in.

4.Do Absolutely Nothing 

Doing nothing can do alot for you. No work, No school & ignore all obligations. This is a mental health day. Skip all the things you planned & do whatever will help you remain happy & healthy. Reconnect with yourself.

I know this is a pretty short list but we can go on forever on how to practice self-care.Feel free to use this list as a starting point to your wellness. 

What are someways you self-care in the comments section.

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