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Light Up Your Life With Sunday House Co.

2 min read

Light Up Your Life With Sunday House Co.

"Go within everyday and find the inner strength so that the world not blow your candle out." (Katherine Dunham)

 Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a candle lit room, your mind immediately calms down and relaxes?

Candles are magical & have fantastic benefits for your mind, mood & everything around you.

Imagine yourself returning home after a stressful day & lighting a Sunday House Co. candle; the fragrance oils contained within will begin to release a delicious aroma throughout the house and you will immediately feel relaxed, isn't it beautiful?

Ready to find out what are all the positive effects that candles give to yourself and the environment around you?

Create atmosphere

The magic of candlelight is unique and the only gesture of lighting them, observing the slight flickering that the flame produces, relieves the mind and reduces stress.

Tip: Light a candle and stare at the flame for 1 minute, breathe deeply & your mind will calm down from any worries.

The power of Aromatherapy

The essential oils contained inside the candles release all their benefits, helping you to change your mood & solving some mental state of mind. Scented candles help you relax, calm down, energize and stimulate the brain to be more productive. It all depends on the fragrance you choose; let yourself be inspired, as if you were choosing a perfume.

Clean the environment

Natural candles emit negative ions into the air, cleaning up the surroundings and thus relaxing your nervous system.

Improve concentration

When you are losing focus and feel less productive, lighting a scented candle next to you is very helpful; concentration will return and you will be calmer and more productive.

Ensure better sleeps

In these times when the use of computers and mobile phones is excessive, what is the best way to relax the psyche & enjoy a good sleep? Turn off the light and light a candle. Your sleep rhythms will be restored & you will fully relax.

Candles are fascinating, powerful & healing. In a historical moment in which uncertainty, fear and stress are emotions that we have to deal with every day, taking some time to take care of yourself is essential.

After a stressful day, light a few candles, let yourself be inebriated by the scent, prepare a hot bath, listen to relaxing music and pamper yourself ... these are small gestures that will bring countless benefits to your mind and body!

I hope I have made you want to immerse yourself in the wonderful and magical world of Sunday House Co. candles & I promise you that once you begin to appreciate all that they are able to do for you, you will never go back; ).

See you soon!

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